A tabletop gamer since a young age, my brothers and I grew up on a diet of Fighting Fantasy books, roleplaying games, miniature wargaming and any board games we could get our hands on.
In the early nineties, after studying graphic design at university, I worked for several years in the Games Workshop design studio. During my time there I had the good fortune to be involved in the play testing and development of a number of their titles including Blood Bowl third edition. Following this period I moved on to work in commercial design studios before eventually starting my own freelance design career.
My early experiences with tabletop games sowed the seed for a desire to design and publish my own tabletop games titles and in 2014 I ran a successful Kickstarter campaign to fund the printing of my first tabletop miniature skirmish game called Open Combat.
In 2022 I self-funded the release of my first two player strategy board game called Lucrum but unfortunately suffered a health issue (that took some time to resolve) resulting in next to no marketing. But in 2024 I recommenced work on marketing Lucrum and got back to development on Open Combat and further game titles.